Our Valid Data solution is Vessel Reporting made simple and effective.
With Valid Data, you will never have to guess or make unjustified decisions.
With Valid Data vessel reporting, you do not need to waste time communicating with the master regarding voyage data. We will do it all for you.
Our solution incorporates sanity checks to validate the entered data, sparing you from receiving voyage reports with typos and errors.
120 validation points are used to verify the data entered by the vessel’s crew, which includes cargo data, position, consumption, speed, route, eta, and more. Additionally, hourly AIS positions and hindcast weather conditions, together with vessels specific fuel models are utilized to validate the data.
This ensures high-quality data.
Achieve friction-free communication inside your entire operation.
With Valid Data, you will never have to guess or make unjustified decisions. We provide full transparency between the shore staff and the vessel crew and make it simple to resolve inconsistencies.
With Valid Data you will be up and running immediately without installing any hardware. Our solution works on any type of cargo vessel and is customized to match all of your reporting needs.
Our foundation 12 years ago in the heart of a shipping company has given us a deep understanding of your workday. We use this understanding to build solutions that remove friction and add value.
120 data quality checks for your reporting
120 data quality checks for your reporting
Valid Data enables you to carry out all relevant reports within one single program. Our comprehensive reporting tool collects data on matters such as cargo operations and weather.
We offer you the possibility to add your clients to view specific reporting fields. In this way, the clients can unify all ship-to-shore reporting within one program.
You can also export data to any third-party service provider.
Emission Calculations
Emission Calculations
Automatically integrated with all our solutions
Emission calculations are integrated with all our solutions, so you can always calculate emissions figures and predictions for your fleet.
The calculations are based on our Valid Data, ensuring high data quality and consistency.
We serve all your emissions reporting needs and offer verified solutions for CII, MRV, DCS, and much more.
Why choose Valid Data
Reporting from day 1
Our reporting software is sent by email and can be set up by the crew in minutes.
No hardware is needed. Suitable for anything from owned fleet to short term TC in vessels.
120 validation points are used to verify the data entered by the vessel’s crew, which includes cargo data, position, consumption, speed, route, ETA, and more. Additionally, hourly AIS positions and hindcast weather conditions, together with vessels specific fuel models are utilized to validate the data.
2-way integration with IMOS/VIP and other voyage management systems.
Free up time by avoiding double reporting by the crew, and copy-pasting by the operator.
Instant notice
Instant noon report email sent to your inbox as soon as the vessel has filled a report.
This includes mission critical information about any deviations from instructions and the crew’s comments on those deviations.
Full support
We provide full support to vessel crew, provided by ex-masters and chief engineers, and make sure that you are properly onboarded with our products.
The collected data can be exported to excel for ad-hoc analyses or published to third-parties through our public API.
With our advanced weather routing solution, you will always know your vessel’s current performance. In real-time.
Valid Performance makes it effortless to identify and quantify speed loss and excess consumption. It provides you with the required tools to turn data into actionable insights.
Are you prepared for CII and EU ETS reporting? We help you to navigate the regulations and reporting restrictions.