Everyday we work on removing friction and guesswork in shipping

For thousands of years, the Danes have been seafarers.

Exploring is part of our history.

Exploring is part of our history and culture and a necessity for a small country surrounded by seas.

Curiosity, innovation, and creative thinking is a necessity when you live in one of the smallest countries on earth. What the Danes lack in size, they make up for in ideas.

Coach Solutions is created by Danish naval architects and commercial shipping experts, who together with highly skilled software engineers work on making shipping smarter.

Our mission is to revolutionize.

Coach Solutions’ mission is to revolutionize the shipping industry, by removing friction and guesswork in shipping when it comes to voyage planning, optimization, and vessel performance.

Coach Solutions uses knowledge and creativity to turn high complexity into simple, yet sophisticated, easy to use and reliable software solutions, by transferring validated data into actionable insights.

Operate more sustainably.

The simple tools developed by Coach Solutions are teaching the shipping industry to navigate and operate vessels and fleets more profitably and sustainably.

All while making life and work for the shipping professionals easier, more accurate and more reliable.


simplifying sustainable shipping



Weather Factor

Avoid surprises when you estimate time and consumption for a voyage. Based on 11 years of data, ship models and weather routing.

Read more about Weather Factor


We work hard to compile all the data we collect from your vessels into meaningful analyses and reports. All reports are based on validated data.



Read more about Reporting

EU ETS & Emissions

Are you prepared for CII and EU ETS reporting? We help you to navigate the regulations and reporting restrictions.

Read more about Emissions

Meet us

Meet us

Get to know us a little better.

Did you know that our headquarters is based in the center of Copenhagen, and we also have offices in Singapore, Houston, Athens, and Mumbai?

Coach Solutions is also owned by the Norwegian-based Kongsberg Maritime.

Meet us